Success Stories


Beautiful Soul

Please delete my profile as I've met a beautiful soul embodying the intangible of all my searching, and the intelligence of higher mind when we allow it to express what we long for.

Energy of joining

Yes, it is true I have not logged on.

As with so many others, joining your site has brought Love deeply into my life. Partly through your site and partly because of the energy of joining that allows the Universe to get me in deeper contact with someone who was "there all the time" but I hadn't realized. (Across the sea stuff. We're soon to meet in person.)

So - it\'s time to say Thank you and to take me off the list!

Blessings on all your endeavours and a heartfelt thanks.

Love 'n' Light


Match made in Heaven!

Hi Joy,

On your site, I am "*****" and the women I finally met in person is "*****".  I live in Denver, CO and she lives in Salt Lake City, UT.  We've had a flurry of email and many phone calls the past two weeks. We found that each of us was exactly what we've been asking the universe to deliver. 

I am a licensed Avatar Master for the Avatar Courses you would find at  She also teaches at a course called the Awakening. We\'ve both experienced very enlightened states of consciousness and live our life mostly free of judgment and...

Gloriously in love

Hi there!

I have met someone through the site (though he didn't show up in matches...we just synchronistically were
both logged on the site at the same time). We have fallen fully and gloriously in love.

Thank you.

Bright Blessings, Havi

Colorado and DC Connect!

Another member and I have been spending most of our time together after a trip half way cross the country.  So it seems we may best be put in the 'suscessfull' heading and you can cancel my subscription.  Thanks!  ******* ~
I'm ******** and am very happy to have found *******.  Having a delightful summer here in his Colorado and then we're going to my DC.   

I met the love of my life!

I met the love of my life, the greatest spiritual connection and deepest most passionate love I have ever known on your site.   We've met a couple of times now and I am heading for Salt Lake City from Denver next Friday to be with her for 4th of July and looking for a house for us in Denver, too.  

She is "******" on the web site and I am "******".  The photo was taken in Grand Junction, Colorado two weeks ago.  If ever I was head over heels "in love", it's now.  Thank you for bringing us together and especially for the essay questions that caused...

Better than conventional sites!

A note to thank you for your dating site.  I spent over two months posting and emailing ladies on a couple well known conventional dating sites to no avail.  A month or so after posting on your site I met a super gal.  Ten months later we're still dating.  I feel it's important to connect with others who have similar metaphysical realities and values.  I've kept my paid subscription up these ten months as a "thank you" for your great dating service.  It's the best I found for metaphysical singles.

Lee R.

The gift of 'time'

I really appreciate your site; being a very busy woman involved in the 'real' world with issues of consciousness, having a profile, presence and purpose that intimidates many if not most men, your site has afforded me an opportunity to be anonymous and yet engage in deep dialogue without revealing all of who I am inappropriately.  I have 'met' several very interesting men and have fascinating dialogues going with them at this time.  In this you have given me something I don't have enough of--- time!
You will be pleased to know that...

Better than E-Harmony

To whom it may concern,
I wanted to let you know that I have cancelled my account because I am not interested in dating at this time. I did want to say that I think this sight is really great. Here is why. I have been a member of I am also out of organized religion. This sight got me into a group of free thinkers. People who are "conscious". My favorite thing is that the questions you asked on the profile told me more about the person whom I was interviewing than anything on E-Harmony. Men would really take their time and answer the questions. Thank you for...

Miracle in my life!

I\'ve found the love of my life......on your website!

I thank all of you SO much for the great profile questions which supported me in really showing up and revealing who I am.  The essay questions really asked me to ge very clear on exactly what I wanted in relationship and in a partner.

After having done that excercise (and preparing myself through the years through my own inner work) I have found the man of my dreams who is so totally beyond any and all desires I could write in the profile......I'm still awestruck and incredibly grateful for any and all who took part...

The other miracle!

Hello Joy,

The Quest paid off far more than my wildest dreams.  I had a vision of the ideal woman and Lynds is inifinitely more compatible than my mind could ever create. I am in total awe of the relationship we are creating and often humbled to tears of joy.

I can feel the unconditional love of God pouring through Lynds heart of soul and at the same time she and I are very human and vulnerable which only evokes the tenderest loving feelings.  Like Lynds, the essay questions really underscored both my own clarity and being able to see a clear picture of her...

Singapore to Denmark

Thank you for your matchmaking website. I have found my soulmate of my dreams. I shall soon be joining him in Denmark from Singapore. Please remove my photo from your website. Thanks and may God Bless your work.


Norway to California

Dear Friend,
We are happy to share that we have found each other
because of you.  For us this has been an adventure
that has happened new doors that we never would have
believed just a few monthes ago.  So please remove our
profiles and confirm when it is done.  Thanks for the
great work you do.

Warmest wishes,
Niania (California) and Elkah (Norway)

Deep Gratitude

Dear Managers,
I have enjoyed my time on your web site. I am still in love with the bride I did find here. Deep gratitude I owe you. Be blessed, and happy holidays.

Jacques and Dawn of the Flower

Love of my life!

Dear Conscious Dating Network,
Please delete my profile. I have met the love of my life and I found him on your site!  Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Denmark with love

Dear Joy,

Thank you for writing to me. Yes, I have found a spiritual match with someone from your site. 

He is a wonderful man and I am truly grateful to your website and you for having found him, whom I feel and hope is a soul match. Right now I am with him in Denmark having a wonderful time being with him for the last three weeks. Please continue your good work. I shall be grateful if you would kindly remove my profile from your website. Much love and light I wish upon you and your website. Thank you.



After being a member of this site for 3 years, my life has completely transformed because of it.  My most precious friends and allies have come through this system! 
In addition to that, 9 months ago today I had my first date with my now beloved partner.  Our lives are so unique that our compatibility is literally ONE IN A MILLION - at least. 
It is because of this site that a man from Long Island met this woman in San Diego and we are now living cutting edge lives together in a revolutionary relationship.
I love what a resource...

From Ireland to France - Souls...

Thank you so much for creating such a wonderful site where like minded spiritual people can meet...I am happy to say that I have met an amazing man - my soul mate -through your site and this meeting has completely changed both of our lives.

Destiny definitely brought us together because it was by pure coincidence that we met, but then again, we both believe that there aren't any coincidences, and that everything happens for a reason... I was looking for spiritual journeys on line when I found your site completely by accident - I had no idea that this site even existed...!...


I no longer need to have a profile available on your site as to
my complete and utter surprise I have meet someone I love without limits and the woman whom I am going to marry. I am almost shocked that I have found this absolutely amazingly wonderful person, she is the sweetest, funniest, kindest, smartest, most loving person I have EVER had the great pleasure to come across and I love her truly, madly and deeply.

We will of course send an update when that event happens but I would like to VERY MUCH thank you for making it possible through this site.

Very warm...

Awed and profoundly grateful...

I initially joined your site to "get clear" about what I wanted in a partner. Your format and essay questions assisted me tremendously to think, write and think some more about that question and the more I edited my profile, the clearer I got. Of course, following the laws of manifestation, it did not take long for the "One" to flash upon the screen as a match.
We've made the connection and in a supernova flurry of "cyber" conversations and picture/life sharing I am confident I have found the love of my life. I've never experienced anything like...