Success Stories


Jolt to my Heart

Hi Jill,

The lucky man is known as *** on your site or Chip which I affectionately call him.  We live only 12 miles away from each other so moving wasn't necessary.  Our lives are blending nicely as his family and mine fully support our relationship.
We both were out of the field for years and only recently put out the intention of meeting someone.  We've compared our intentions and they are almost identical therefore we shouldn't be surprised of the manifestation being perfect.   We started contact with an e-mail on this site and quickly moved to phone conversations.  Not wanting to waste time I suggested a meeting within a week of our first phone conversation which put our first date on June 25th.  We planned on meeting at the zoo at 11:00 a.m. sharp but with the unexpected huge volume of cars I was about 5 minutes late.  As I quickly walked towards the meeting place I saw Chip, although I didn't know it was him, standing with his back turned to me.  I called out his name in a question-like tone then he turned around to respond.  Before he even called my name he sent a jolt into my heart.  I can say from that moment on I was fully committed to him.
If you haven't already done the math I'll tell you, our 6 month anniversary of our first date is December 25th, Christmas Day.  I,we,  couldn't ask for a better present than to have each other in our lives.  We frequently reflect on our mutual appreciation and gratitude for each other and now I get to express my gratitude to you for starting this site.
We can't describe the powerful connection with logic leaving the only reason for meeting is that our relationship is part of a grand spiritual plan.  In addition to our meeting you must also be part of this plan for which I say 'Thank You'.  I hope you feel the warmth of appreciation we both are sending for without you and your site we would never have met.
Well Jill, I have baking and wrapping to do.  We will send you a picture after the holidays when things settle down.
Take care and I wish you and your family the best during this holiday season.
All my best,